mystic maps

Astrology for New Earth

About   Me

Your creative energy is your pathway to wholeness. You can feel that.
Your creative expression provides a tremendous opening for Love to manifest more solidly on our planet. This is how Artists across every discipline are building a new Earth. With deep roots in creative hubs, that's where I'm investing my expertise as an astrologer. 

I'm helping actors, singers, writers, painters, potters, producers, directors and dancers inhabit more fully the creative flame that powers Life. I guide artists through projects and transitions, through times of tumult and times where it feels like nothing is happening at all. I provide stellar insight that de-codes your unique instructions and personal timing. 

With over 30 years of professional experience in the Arts, my passion is to help Artists embody the highest vision for their creative projects, their lives and our world. Astrology reveals there is an aligned time for everything under the Sun. It's time to show up fully as the radiant presence you are now.

i help artists
embody the highest vision
for their projects, their lives and our world.

Tell me where you're at and let's have a chat.


The wondrous thing about being accountable for everything in your life is that you are well-equipped to make meaningful change. It’s about altering your frequency. If you like, I can show you how. I have a passion for demystifying the unseen. My tools are ancient, though I have learned how to adapt them for these evolving times. If you could peek inside my toolkit you’d see that I use proven astrological techniques and beautiful oracle cards. I catalyze healing as an angelic reiki master. And I’m in coach mode pretty much all of the time because I’ve been doing it for over twenty years.

xo - Michelle

A longtime member of ACTRA and EQUITY, I've contributed to the arts for three decades. I get it, I see you. 

As a member of Astrology Toronto, the International Society for Astrological Research and the National Council for Geocosmic Research I'm in the flow of cutting-edge intel.

I'm professionally accredited through the Canadian Association for Astrological Education.

My work is specifically designed for you. Your natal coordinates allow me to decode your emerging potentials.

 why artists trust ME to map their pathways: